Your generous gift will help us fund our mission to help those in need. We are a 501c3 non-profit, registered with the Internal Revenue Service. Click Donate Now or send donations to P.O. Box 2011, Macon Ga 31203
Kids Yule Love is a non-profit organization founded in 1985 and our mission is to provide toys, gifts, bibles and a message of hope to the less fortunate children in the Middle Georgia area. Kids Yule Love is committed to making a difference in the lives of our children. We partner with businesses in the Middle Georgia area, who either want to become a sponsor or a Kids Yule Love drop Point. We want to say a special thanks to all the Fire Departments in Middle Ga who have always been an asset to Kids Yule Love. Also, many thanks go out to the citizens of Middle Ga who take a tag or sponsor a family to help us help others.
Seniors Yule Love helps seniors that are in nursing homes and have no family by providing gifts for Christmas. A special gift, we are sure, will put a smile on their face. Senior citizens are such a great resource to those they share their life experiences with. We are committed to making a difference in their lives so they won't feel so alone at Christmas. Psalm 71:18 - And even when I am old and gray, O God, do not forsake me, until I declare Thy strength to this generation, Thy power to all who are to come.
Kids School Tools provides school supplies to help the children in Middle Georgia to be more successful at school. For many of these children, these may be the only new items that they receive all year. We want to thank all of our partners for your dedication to our children's education. and a brighter future..
Did you know that Jesus has a very special story to tell? This story never gets old to hear and in fact, Jesus told His followers to go out into the whole world and tell this story. He wants everyone to hear it. Then when other people hear it they too will believe in Jesus and ask Him to come and live inside their heart. God Yule Love's mission is to share this great story by giving Bibles to as many children and seniors as we can.
Baskets of Joy provides Easter Baskets to children at Children's Homes in the Middle Ga area. We want to bless each child and show them love and hope. We also provide age appropriate bibles for each child so that they can learn about the love of Jesus. Thank you to the many volunteers who help with this program every year.
Each year we ask companies such as yours, for either monetary donations, sponsoring a family, or to place a box at your company’s location to collect new unwrapped toys for children ages 0-9.
You may also take tags which have a child’s name, age and 4 toys that they would like to get for Christmas, fill the requests and bring them back to your location for Kids Yule Love to come and pick up.
We want to always remember the reason for the season, so we are also requesting bible donations not just for children, but adult bibles as well. The bibles for the children need to be children's bibles for all ages.
We are only accepting applications for children 8 and under. The person applying must be the parent listed on your child's birth certificate,or if you are guardian of the child, please provide documentation. To apply we need a copy of your I.D. & social security card and a copy of the children's social security cards and birth certificates.
Please call Monroe County DFACS office for assistance
Contact information for applying for assistance:
Deputy Chief Sheri Kneip
Baldwin County Fire Rescue
Cell: 478-456-1727
Office 478-445-4850